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Hi Solutions

Southern California

The Psychology of Living with Home Automation

27 February 2024

What It Feels Like Living in a Real Smart Home 

In the past, the idea of living in a smart home seemed like something out of a science fiction movie. But with advancements in technology, it’s become a reality for many homeowners in Laguna Beach, CA. 

So, what does it feel like to live in an automated home? How will it impact you psychologically? As a home automation company, we share our insights below.

SEE ALSO: Yes, A Smart Home Contractor Can Do That!  

The Psychology Behind Smart Homes

Do you ever feel like there’s an insurmountable pile of things on your to-do list? Especially when you’re in a rush? Home automation can take some of that stress off your shoulders. 

When you live with an integrated home system, you’ll experience a sense of control and empowerment. Turning everything off as you leave the house now requires one press of a button—or no command at all, as you automate devices to follow your routine. 

Research has shown that individuals who feel in control of their environment tend to experience lower levels of stress and anxiety. Additionally, smart homes provide a sense of security. With features like smart locks, motion sensors, and surveillance cameras, homeowners can monitor and protect their property even when they are away. 

How Smart Homes Impact Daily Lifestyle

Living in a smart home can also change our daily routines and habits. For example, imagine waking up in the morning and having the blinds automatically open, the lights gradually brighten, and your favorite music playing softly in the background. These small changes can help you get out of bed and start the day off right! 

Smart homes can also streamline various tasks and chores. With voice-activated assistants, you can speak commands to control appliances and schedule tasks, freeing up time and mental energy. 

Furthermore, smart homes can promote energy efficiency and sustainability. By monitoring energy usage and providing real-time data, homeowners can make informed decisions about their energy consumption. By helping the planet (and reducing utility bills), you’ll experience greater satisfaction and peace of mind.

Ready for Home Automation? 

If you’d like to learn more about these smart solutions, contact HiSolutions, Laguna Beach's premier home automation company. We look forward to working with you!