Hello from Hi Solutions!
CE Pro Featured Us As an Aspirational Smart Home Company
Currently, there are 32 NFL teams in the US, and we strive to acquire integration firms in each of their cities!
That’s what we told CE Pro for their latest article. The publication recently featured our business and national roll-out strategy, where we’re aiming to bring our hands-on, highly personalized approach to smart home markets nationwide.
Read along below for a few highlights from the article and to discover more about the Hi Solutions family of companies’ comprehensive smart home products and services.
SEE ALSO: Explore the Autonomous Office
Expanding Mid-Market Offerings
While so many smart home technology integration firms have directed their focus toward the high-end luxury market in recent years, we understand some mid-market consumers and integrators are left behind in the vast middle of the market. Several companies are looking for a way to expand their service offerings to the vast array of homeowners who aren’t interested in DIY (do-it-yourself) but aren’t at the tip-top of the luxury technology market.
Hi Solutions is saying “Hello!” to this often-overlooked segment of the population. Our goal is to inform and educate the population about the vast array of high-end solutions available out there that are affordable without breaking the bank. We work alongside other trade partners like designers, architects, and home builders to customize dream homes filled with convenient, energy-saving, and comfort-enhancing solutions.
With the acquisition of leading firm Unify Smart Home in SoCal, Media Design Associates in South Florida, and the creation of Hi Solutions of Delaware Valley in the Philadelphia area, Hi Solutions is well on its way to acquiring “an automation company or a home integrator in every NFL city in the next 24 months,” says Unify founder and Hi Solutions’ COO, Darrin Medley.
The Autonomous Home
With all-day, AI-enabled support, the Autonomous Home is a flexible option for homeowners looking to improve productivity and reduce stress while spending time at home. Imagine living a smarter lifestyle with EFH (Everything From Home), and imagine being an integration firm that can offer that EFH lifestyle!
The Autonomous Home is a property-wide ecosystem that synchronizes technologies. This fully customizable smart home system experience brings together lighting control, window treatments, voice control, and AV systems so homeowners can live a luxurious lifestyle without the extravagant, hefty price tag only the high-end luxury market integrators could previously provide. More enjoyable and sophisticated than DIY offerings, the modern connected home empowers families to enjoy automation and total home control every day of their lives.
The HiWay
At our initial meeting, our goal is to jump into the deep end with clients so we can fully understand their dream home and how they want to live. From there, our highly trained and certified experts build a system that lets them integrate this way of life into their daily routines, saving time, adding comfort in every living space, and adding a touch of class to every technology interaction.
If you’ve been exploring ways to improve your property with innovative technologies, or you’re part of an integration firm looking to transform your services and solutions, it’s time to reach out to the Hi Solutions family here. We can’t wait to hear from you.