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Hi Solutions

Southern California

Discover the Incredible Convenience and Beauty of Lighting Control

22 August 2024

Let Your Smart Home Manage Natural and Electric Lighting

Electric light has a powerful effect on the human body. It can change our mood, define expectations, and set the tone for a special occasion. Warm lighting, the soft yellow-orange hues associated with the setting sun, promotes relaxation and comfort. The cool blue of midday enhances focused concentration. 

Natural light has an even greater impact on our psyche and profoundly affects our emotions. Intricately tied to our circadian rhythm and the hormones that affect it, happiness, productivity, and a healthy sleep-wake cycle all lie within its grasp.

An element that affects us to this degree deserves a special place in our home. Today’s lighting control offers the solution. Let’s explore what one-touch and automated lighting brings to homeowners in San Diego, CA.

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Home Lighting Automation

While today’s lighting control lets you manage every light in your home from a user-friendly device, the automated aspect of home lighting takes the experience to the next level. 

Through no effort on your part, the lights adjust, brightening to the color of sunrise as you awake before transitioning to the brighter white-blue colors of midday. When you walk into the kitchen in the morning, the task lights over the cooking area brighten. 

When you head to the dressing room to prepare for the day, you tap a button on an elegant, custom-engraved keypad. In response, the ideal color and intensity show you in your best light, giving you confidence as you head out to greet the day. When you leave your home, every light turns off.

Elevating Your Home Security

Lighting has long been associated with a sense of security. When we hear an unusual sound in the middle of the night, we immediately turn the lights on to scare away the source of the noise. Now, your smart home does it for you.

As the sun sets, the security lights turn on. When you arrive home after dark, the entryway and kitchen lights greet you. And that sound that stirs you from sleep? Your outdoor security lights flood the area with light.

Natural Light

Sunlight streaming through the windows brings immense beauty and encourages the body to produce feel-good hormones, naturally elevating your mood. Unfortunately, this same natural light can harm the interior of your home and quickly increase the temperature. 

That’s where motorized window coverings come in. These window shades, draperies, or blinds open in the morning, letting the diffuse light of the sun in. As the home heats up, they lower. In response, your lights dim and brighten, maintaining the ideal illumination. 

You can also press a ‘Natural Light’ button, telling your smart home to mirror the changing light of the outside world. In response, your lights transform throughout the day, reflecting the changing color and intensity of daylight.

As you can see, lighting control has come a long way. At Hi Solutions, these systems are customized to align with your lifestyle, providing the perfect illumination at all times. To learn more about lighting control or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Hi Solutions today.